Explore the testimonials of those who have experienced positive changes
through Forsythe Wellness Coaching.

- Jillian Johnston

"Working with Brooke is like holding up a mirror to myself in order to see myself as others do."
"I started working with Brooke as my life coach in May of 2023. I am a hard working nurse and happily married mom of 3, but was feeling “stuck” in some areas of my personal and professional life that I knew I could be doing better at. I thought why not give life coaching a try? Wow, all I can say is I underestimated the true value of what I was signing up for! Working with Brooke is like holding up a mirror to myself in order to see myself as others do. To see the good and the bad, the strengths and the weaknesses, what areas I can work to improve on and how to do so.
With her background in the nursing field she can understand my triumphs and struggles professionally on a whole other level. Her encouragement, advice, reflections and assistance with helping me to set and smash goals every month over the past 9 months has been priceless. I won’t bore you with the details of all of the goals I have set and exceeded in that time frame, just trust, they’ve been huge!! #75hard is one of them.
I deeply value the time we’ve invested together and the progress she has helped me make in my life. I will leave you with a great quote I read though I do not know the source, “Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their growth.” We all have the potential for greatness inside us. What are YOU doing today to find the keys and unlock it? Do yourself a favor and schedule a consultation with Brooke TODAY. You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain!"

- Anessa Hopf

"Brooke not only helped by listening, she offered guidance with examples."
"Part taking in nurse coaching with Brooke I have learned a lot about myself. Originally I took this journey in the hopes to help better my physical health. In the end I found myself bettering my physical but also my mental health. Brooke not only helped by listening, she
offered guidance with examples.
It was nice to have someone who truly understood what the toll nursing takes on a person. She helped me achieve a better understanding of myself and my role as a nurse. I would highly recommend Brooke as a nurse coach to anyone. She listens and cares for her people."

- Aubrey Wiese

"I enjoyed how welcoming and honest Brooke was. I felt comfortable, that I could tell her anything without judgment."
“Before taking part in nurse coaching with Brooke, I was a new grad struggling mentally and physically. I was trying to figure out how to be a successful nurse, partner, daughter, and friend during my new adventure into adulthood. From the very beginning, Brooke has helped me look at the bigger picture. She provided me with guidance on digging deeper and finding out who I want to be, and how to achieve it. Each session I felt myself becoming the person I wanted and hoped to be; happy with myself and life.
One aspect I enjoyed the most was setting goals at the end of each session. Having goals allowed me to focus on what I needed to work on between each session. I also enjoyed how welcoming and honest Brooke was. I felt comfortable, even knowing her professionally, that I could tell her anything without judgment.
Through the process of nurse coaching, I have achieved so much. My relationships with others but most of all myself, have improved tremendously. I would recommend everyone to take part, especially new grads who are trying to figure out how to balance healthcare life with real life.”

- Kyla Wilson

"Brooke truly listened and broke down all the barriers I had with being honest and open to others and myself."
“Brooke quite literally changed my life. When I came to her for guidance, I was at one of the lowest places of my life and my nursing career. Brooke truly listened and broke down all the barriers I had with being honest and open to others and myself. Because of her, I am not only more confident in my abilities, but I am decisive and holistic in my lifestyle approach.
By putting in the work into myself it has carried over to a more positive outlook in my work life. I no longer go to work anxious worrying about what could go wrong, but rather focusing my energy on what will go great because I trust myself and my abilities. I am forever grateful for her coaching, inspiration, and care for me."